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Your search results for ‘Tubal Cain‘ are displayed below.

15 match(es) were found!

01 Hardening, Tempering & Heat Treatment

By Tubal Cain

A valuable workshop book for expert and beginner alike. Chapters on principles of annealing, hardening, tempering, special tools, forging light tools, cast-hardening t...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

05 Milling Operations In The Lathe

By Tubal Cain

A practical discourse on how to use the lathe for all types of milling work. Tools, toolholding, workholding, speeds and feeds, procedures and much more with examples ...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

09 Soldering And Brazing

By Tubal Cain

Examines the processes, equipment and materials and explains what is happening in the joints as they are made, with practical examples, test pieces, tabulated data etc

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

12 Drills, Taps and Dies

By Tubal Cain

This book contains comprehensive tables of all the tools available or likely to be encountered and also explains the different types of drill and thread forms and thei...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

15 Workholding In The Lathe

By Tubal Cain

A fundamental requirement of lathe operation for accuracy and safety, is the ability to hold any workpiece securely and, preferably, repeatably on the machine. Include...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

19 Spring Design and Manufacture

By Tubal Cain

In this book Cain covers the design and manufacture of compression and extension coil springs, simple and compound leaf springs, torsion springs and torsion bars, spri...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

28 Simple Workshop Devices

By Tubal Cain

An essential addition to any model engineer's library. Shared experience is a most potent tool in reducing project delays and can often provide solutions to probl...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

Building Simple Model Steam Engines Book 2

By Tubal Cain

Since the publication of the first book, the author has designed and built more engines ranging from a delightful little turbine to a larger engine. Fully detailed met...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

Building The Beam Engine Mary

By Tubal Cain

A 1" bore x 2" stroke four-column non-condensing beam engine fully detailed in 44 dimensioned drawings and photographs.

£7.95 (P&P £2.10)

Building The Overcrank Engine Georgina

By Tubal Cain

A typical vertical engine of the 1860's with two arched supports for the crankshaft/flywheel. 37 photos and drawings.

£7.95 (P&P £2.10)

Building The Stuart No. 9 Engine

By Tubal Cain

Describes the construction of one of the more attractive engines of the Stuart range which can de developed into quote an eleborate model if desired.

£9.95 (P&P £2.10)

Building The Williamson Engine

By Tubal Cain

A one-tenth scale model of an attractive column-mounted vertical engine of 1862. Detailed dimensioned drawings plus 53 photographs.

£9.95 (P&P £2.10)

Model Engineers Handbook

By Tubal Cain

A complete guide to all aspects of model engineering, packed with useful illustrations and photographs. Conversion and mathematical tables are explained. A ‘bible’...

£11.99 (P&P £2.65)

Simple Workshop Devices

By Tubal Cain

An essential addition to any model engineer's library. Shared experience is a most potent tool in reducing project delays and can often provide solutions to prob...

£9.99 (P&P £2.65)

Workholding In The Lathe

By Tubal Cain

A fundamental requirement of lathe operation for accuracy and safety, is the ability to hold any workpiece securely and, preferably, repeatably on the machine. Include...

£9.99 (P&P £2.10)