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Your search results for ‘George Gentry‘ are displayed below.

4 match(es) were found!

Hardening & Tempering Engineers Tools *

By Gentry

A comprehensive book on all aspects of hardening and tempering engineer‘s tools, originally written by George Gentry and revised and updated by Edgar Westbury. A ver...

£4.95 (P&P £2.10)

Micrometers, Slide Gauges And Calipers *

By Alfred W. Marshall And George Gentry

An extremely authoritative and useful book by two highly respected writers which has been the basis for many subsequent publications. A ‘Past Masters’ series book.

£4.95 (P&P £2.10)

Practical Electroplating *

By George Gentry

First published in 1905 this interesting book covers the subject of electroplating in a straightforward manner and will be useful to the reader. It describes in detail...

£5.95 (P&P £2.10)

Screwcutting Simply Explained *

By George Gentry

This standard work on screwcutting will prove useful to model engineers. It includes an easily understood method of setting up gears without the use of tables and note...

£4.95 (P&P £2.10)